Gianna Mauceri inside a giant amethyst crystal geode


A True Story of Healing, Survival, and Resilience.

Out NOW on Kindle and paperback

“Gianna’s work takes you through a textured journey into the depths of the unseen angelic realms of the afterlife, to emerge in the grasp of a broken, traumatized, barely yet alive body, and into states of healing, to be born again. 

Gianna invites humor to the spaces of despair and hopelessness, and in so doing guides each of us back to ourselves through grace, unafraid of the shadow realm. Gianna’s writing is colorful and raw, it is as if hand in hand with the reader, she walks side by side with you through her journey, that becomes our journey. 

The words of Gianna’s pages weave together a canvas that comes alive, so that you feel what she feels, go where she goes, smell what she smells, and in so doing transports the reader out of present space and time into a whole new world. The pages come alive with life and each paragraph beckons the reader onward, to know more, to understand more, to become open in trust. 

Gianna’s words, her story opens the reader up to the portions of their own selves that yearn to be healed, to be looked at, no matter how ugly we may feel them to be. The courageous invitation to know the intimacies of Gianna’s journey, reawaken what we already know to be true... We know it to be true, just below the initial layers of personality and ego that manage and are entrenched in the world. 

This book allows you to witness, the tragic, the beautiful, the scary, the otherworldly, in a way that it cracks the reader open to his or her own wounds; Wounds that perhaps we would prefer to leave covered over, but nevertheless need to be revealed and healed. 

The horrendous, acutely tragic, and yet beautiful events described in this modern-day Divine Comedia, like Dante’s Inferno and Paradisio will guide you through the layers of your own universe inside of yourself back to a purified expression of self that is wholeheartedly raw, real, and in alignment. 

More than anything Gianna’s words give us hope. Hope that life is more beautiful than it is painful, and that without judgment we can sit both as humans and as the Divine. You will laugh, you will cry, and you will undoubtedly be transformed” - Katarina De La Cruz


“This true story has touched my heart deeply. Was in tears within the first few pages. A beautiful and vivid retelling of her story, this author has gracefully given us insight from her incredible path, so that we can embody this kind of warrior spirit as well. I am deeply grateful for being recommended to this book. Your heart and soul will flourish from reading it. Thank you Gianna for your bravery and courage to share! Bless you!!!



“I cannot put down my kindle edition of Gianna Mauceri’s book. Her tale is a powerful one, a story of struggle, perseverance, and overall victory over the difficult circumstances she encountered.

The story is heartfelt and so real. Readers will laugh, cry and go through a whole range of emotions. And that is a great author’s goal in my opinion: to grasp us, the reader, and take us for a ride we don’t want to get off. And the strength shown by Gianna as she lives through her various experiences should motivate us all”

- Ahmed A.